All women in the bible are pathetic. Church and their partners shouldn’t deceit us.

15 10 2010

Eve: Adam, I come to return your rib.

Adam: Eve, take it, charity.

Eve: Then I’d make it a sword.

Adam: For what?

Eve: I love King Arthur’s story.

Adam: What is your objective?

Eve: In which area?

Adam: Christianity.

Eve: Gender equality but not in a feminist way.

Adam: Is it possible?

Eve: I believe every word in the Bible. With God, everything is possible with God.

Adam: Who are you in the Bible?

Eve: David. All women in the bible are pathetic. Church and their partners shouldn’t deceit us.

Adam: But you are a woman.

Eve: I’m David trapped in a woman’s body.

Adam: There is no war.

Eve: The war is within the church.

Adam: What logics do you live?

Eve: God’s logics.

Adam: Don’t you think you are an egoist?

Eve: A faithful Christian doesn’t think that way.

Adam: David had lot of women in life.

Eve: So did Solomon. But, David was happier than Solomon.

Adam: Do you find Saul handsome?

Eve: Never, if I were David, I’d kill him when he was “busy”.

Adam: So, you are not very David. Where are we?

Eve: Pub.

Adam: Why are we in a pub?

Eve: This is the idea I’d love to tell British. Build their church in pubs.

Adam: They are.

Eve: Good.

Adam: What are you doing in a pub?

Eve: Gospel.

Adam: I’m a Christian.

Eve: Brother, what are you doing in a pub?

Adam: Er… I would love to keep some privacy myself.

Eve: Okay. I understand. God bless you.

Adam: What drive you?

Eve: People I love especially my husband.

Adam: Why you come to America?

Eve: Because America church influences many churches. They follow them. I go to the root.

Adam: Clever.

Eve: Always.

Adam: Your brother, Mr. Bunny, swears.

Eve: Not until he opens another way to tackle the situation for himself and gender equality in Christianity. He is under performance.

Adam: Do you think you are God?

Eve: Every time people say O God, O Lord or O Sovereign LORD, they give praise to God automatically. One of my naked names is O. In my perception, they are calling to my God and my Lord.

Adam: You are tough.

Eve: Who says I am a crying baby?

Adam: Don’t you have beautiful pictures in mind?

Eve: Many but people don’t want it.

Adam: How come?

Eve: This is also the question I have in mind.

Adam: Give praise.

Eve: Brother James and his team is not fast growing but on right track. Excellent.